- What does Sar-El Australasia do?
I am volunteering for Sar-El... why do I have to pay?!?
I put all my information and documents into Form 1A and then Form 1B
for Australia... Why do I have to do it all over again for the Step 2 -
Israel Form?
Why can't I apply for Sar-El directly via the Israel website? (like I
used to?)
I am 80+ years old and I want to apply... Are there any issues I should
be aware of?
As for the Australian program does it arrange a collective date for
departures or to meet and make contact with other volunteers before
departure? Or is it a make your own way?
Is there any language requirements as well?
What will Sar-El cost me?
Other questions below...
What does Sar-El Australasia do?
Sar-El Australasia HQ helps you collate and organise your documentation for your final submission (step 2, below) to Sar-El Israel HQ, and we scrutinise it for security and any errors. This process assists the IDF staff in Israel with the paperwork as they have a lot of applications to process and they do not have the resources... This streamlines your registration and actually makes it quicker, especially having people in your geographic region that you can immediately communicate with. Please read the steps below carefully and thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
I am volunteering for Sar-El... why do I have to pay?!?
They accommodate, feed and transport you (unlike any other volunteer
I put all my information and documents into Form 1A and then Form 1B for Australia... Why do I have to do it all over again for the Step 2 - Israel Form?
Please understand that the job of Sar-El Australia is to
- help you collate all your information
- do a security check on you
- scrutinise your paperwork
- check for errors
- assist Sar-El Israel HQ by acting as an intermediary
- deal directly with participants requirements personally
Once you have completed Australian form 1A & 1B and it is accepted by
us, then you will have all your correct information gathered together, and
you should be able to complete the Israel HQ Form #2 in only a few minutes.
And because it is all correct according to Sar-El standards (which we
check), it will be easy for Sar-El Israel HQ to do your paperwork and your
acceptance into the program is streamlined and made much quicker. Also
because they are in a different time zone and speak a different language and
have very limited resources, it is very difficult for Sar-El Israel to
communicate with you, especially where a difficulty may arise. Please also
read the next question...
Why can't I apply for Sar-El directly via the Israel website? (like I used to?)
The problem with registering participants for Sar-El was greatly exacerbated
on Oct 7 2023, because B"H there were so many people all over the world who
wanted to immediately fly to Israel and help... That's a great thing, but at
the same time the Sar-El HQ in Israel were inundated. They could not keep up
with the paperwork and scrutinise every participant at an appropriate
standard. Therefore, each country's representative throughout the world was
'called up' to help do the registrations for each of their own countries. This
has been a fundamental support to Sar-El Israel HQ and we ask that you
cooperate with the new system which for everybody's sake is a much better
method of operation.
I am 80+ years old and I want to apply... Are there any issues I should be aware of?
Sar-El Israel HQ have reluctance to accept 80+ participants, although they do
evaluate on a case by case basis. One of the most important factors they want
you to be appraised of is your accommodation on base, which may be in a tent
on bunk beds in a dormitory style room with many other people, there are no
special requests and your sleep may very well be disturbed by others nearby
you. This is a reality as we have seen many photos just like this from our
participants. If you have sleeping issues, then this is a critical factor for
Please also email Einat at the Yedidim-Harel insurance to discuss with her
your costs and any requirements she needs in order to insure you. This is
absolutely critical too... Einat@yedidim.co.il
As for the Australian program does it arrange a collective date for departures or to meet and make contact with other volunteers before departure? Or is it a make your own way?
There are specific program starting dates by the month. You have to make your own way to Israel (again I am happy to assist).
Is there any language requirements as well?
English is the dominant language, although there are people from all over the
What will Sar-El cost me?
I have prepared a
budget here at the
bottom of the page.
I am a former Australian Army soldier (23 years) and I'm am currently on a veterans pension. My health is covered by my Veterans Affairs Gold Card. Therefore I have no private health insurance. In your experience, would you still encourage private health insurance or should I check as to whether the Dept of Veteran Affairs will cover me whilst volunteering. I couldn't see an issue since they cover me for all medical services whether working or not whilst in Australia and do pay pensions for those living abroad.
I think it is highly likely you will be covered by your current health
insurance. Sar-el is still separate to the IDF so it is not as if you are
participating in the military of another country. However, with the ongoing
war situation with Gaza and Hezbollah you should get the Harel Insurance
that we offer which is cheap and covers you for being on an army base.
Also since the programs break between Thursday and Sunday morning are there programs in Israel to assist volunteers with accommodation and at present is it expensive to volunteer for three weeks noting that you'll be needing your own accommodation for two to three breaks?
Sar-el Israel presently does have assistance for you during your days off
such as hotel accommodation and transportation. I would be happy to organise
for you some tourist activities as well. There is no additional cost for
sar-el regardless of the length of time you want to participate (up to 3
weeks, it is one single cost).
Program and flight flexibility?
Both El Al and Sar-El offer flexibility with their programs:

If needed, can I delay my ElAl flights easily?
New To ElAl - El Al Protect - only A$44
What are the t-shirt sizes?
This size chart is Unisex and is for the t-shirts we will be supplying